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Continuum is an approach to exploring how we live in, and move through, our bodies. Continuum is a portal to a deeper awareness of, and connection to, embodiment, movement, learning, growth, well-being, and creativity. Attention to internal experience through breath, sound, meditative awareness and fluid movement expands our experience of embodiment and opens us to new possibilities of inhabiting our bodies and expressing ourselves through them.
Susan Harper joined Emilie Conrad, founder, in 1975 to study, and eventually became a partner in developing the organization and work of Continuum.
Buteyko Validated by Evidenced-Based Best Practice Centers as Breathing Technique for Asthmatics that Reduces Symptoms and Medication Usage

Wellsprings of Continuum
Wellsprings of Continuum, based on the teaching and vision of Emilie Conrad, is an inquiry into the inner landscape of sensation and movement. From this primary language of the silent body we learn to listen, tend and receive our own intelligence. By returning to the simple sensuality of knowing gravity and finding deeper rest into support, our breathing becomes more nourishing and satisfying. We develop an ability to track the inner vibration of vocal sounding and to follow subtle movement impulses. This play teaches us the eloquence and power of fluidity as it courses through our tissue and restores our sense of resonance with nature’s primary language.

© Copyright - Robert Litman The Breathable Body at the Vashon Breathing Center